Meet the Ice2Thrust partners: EnduroSat

Please briefly introduce yourself and tell us more about your current position? 

My name is Stanislav Dimitrov. I work as a Systems Engineer at EnduroSat, a satellite manufacturer and space infrastructure builder. EnduroSat specializes in designing, building, and operating satellites, along with providing all necessary space and ground services for the successful execution of satellite missions.

In essence, my role involves фefining the satellite architecture, focusing on power lines, data interfaces, and signal integration across various subsystems. In addition, I am in charge of conducting mission analysis to evaluate power, data, link, and delta-v budgets, as well as developing associated system configurations that meet mission requirements.

What upcoming projects should we be excited about? Are there any unique missions or technologies on the horiozon?

One of our latest missions, BALKAN-1, was launched aboard Transporter-12 and serves as EnduroSat’s pilot Copernicus Contributing Mission. This mission will deliver high-resolution multispectral images to enhance the coverage of the European Sentinel constellation. The satellite will supply images with 1.5 meter resolution critical for agricultural monitoring, forestry, land cover change management, climate impact as well as biodiversity and plant monitoring all while running innovative AI algorithms for image processing.

What recent innovations at EnduroSat are you most excited about?

There are two really exciting recent innovations in our portfolio:
– Building bigger satellite platforms which are compatible with 15 and 24-inch ESPA adapters
– Building the biggest space center in the region, which will accommodate the development, integration and testing of the latest generation of EnduroSat satellite platforms.

What’s the long-term vision for the company, and in terms of innovation, how far do you believe you can push the boundaries of cutting-edge research of nanosatellite technology?

To commercialize space and make it more accessible, straightforward, and cost-effective. EnduroSat is constantly pushing the boundaries of satellite technology with advanced communications, modular design allowing integration of diverse range of payloads, and building an infrastructure that will make Space much closer to the end customer.

What’s your message to aspiring space enthusiasts and growing NewSpace community?

Dream big, stay curious, and take action. Space is for everyone, and your passion can help shape humanity’s future among the stars. Work boldly, but responsibly, and never stop reaching for new horizons.

What excites you most about the Ice2Thrust project? How do you think this initiative complements EnduroSat’s mission to advance  nanosatellite technology and accessibility?

One of the really exciting things about the Ice2Thrust project is the in-space water extraction and utilization from celestial bodies which would contribute to a self-sustaining circular Space economy based on solar energy harvesting. The project would complement EnduroSat’s mission by enabling autonomous spacecraft docking and propellant refilling which will significantly facilitate EnduroSat’s aim to provide in-orbit servicing.

Ice2Thrust.Space (S4I2T) is an EU-funded project [GA number 101161690]. The information and views set out in this document are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the European Union. Neither the European Union institutions and bodies nor any person acting on their behalf may be held responsible for the use which may be made of the information contained therein.