Ice2Thrust.Space launched on the 1st of September 2024!

Ice2Thrust.Space in a nutshell 

​Ice2Thrust.Space launched on the 1st of September 2024!

In its core Ice2Thrust is a 36-month EU-funded project (September 2024 to August 2027), seeking to offer a high-performance platform enabling autonomous spacecraft docking and propellant refilling, promoting economic and environmental sustainability, and facilitating in-orbit servicing, robotics, and in-space manufacturing. Furthermore, the project explores in-space water extraction and utilization from celestial bodies, contributing to a self-sustaining circular space economy based on solar energy harvesting.

​The next generation solar electric water propulsion system of Ice2Thurst consist of the 3 steps united:

  • ​Solar-Electric Water Electrolysis Propulsion
  • ​Autonomous Proximity/Docking Operations and Propellant Refilling
  • ​In-Space Water Extraction and Utilization

​​Ultimately, the project strives to position Europe as a leader in solar-energy-powered space mobility, fostering a self-sustaining space economy. Ice2Thrust.Space has a strong interdisciplinary dimension and is utilising the extensive expertise ranging from system engineering to electrochemistry to robotics and propulsion, which all of the project partners contribute to the consortium – TUM, EnduroSat, University of Luxembourg, and Tech Tour.

💡 The future of space isn’t just about reaching the stars—it’s about how we sustain ourselves there. Follow us as we pave the way for a new era in space exploration and sustainability.